Saturday, April 6, 2013

Early Spring in Minnesota

~ Early Spring Snowstorm ~
This is what I see outside today...5 inches of new snow from an early Spring snowstorm
(and still it's snowing).
The snowflakes are so large,
and on closer view I see what looks to be more than 50 snowflakes clinging to each other.
Spring 2013 seems to be coming very slowly to northern Minnesota.
Many are anxious for warmer weather,
as am I.
Upon looking back into my diary
 it is surprising to see that Spring 2012 had made its appearance to us
by the middle of March.
On St. Patrick's Day we were spoiled with temperatures in the middle 70's
no snow on the ground, frog croaking, butterflies fluttering past,
 and Spring birds singing. 
The ice on local lakes had all but melted away 10 days later. 
Spring 2013 appears to be weeks away from the sightings written above!
Thankfully, even though this winter still persists
the Gardens' Keep greenroom has burst into welcoming shades of green.
Potted geraniums, daylilies, and heirloom iris
have joined the resident sage and primrose plants with blooms
in blues, purples, pinks, red, wine, and yellow,
their sweet scents wafting throughout Dragonfly Cottage.
~ Gardens' Keep Greenroom ~
The plants in the greenroom are such a welcome sight to eyes weary
of barren trees and winter snow,
and provide reassurance that as the days lengthen and the sun strengthens,
Spring truly is on its way!
~ Wishing you sunny, warm, whimsical days ahead! ~


  1. Ah, Spring in the North! Actually we haven't been doing much better although we haven't the white stuff. Just lots, and lots and lots of cold rain. We are finally getting some warm weather now and those scary thunderstorms later this week.

    Stay warm~

  2. Seasons seem to have their own dance, i love noticing the differences each year.
    wishing you flowers and sunshine.
