~ White Arabian Finger Puppet ~
~ Grey Arabian Finger Puppet ~
Creating my version of a horse finger puppet had been tossing around in my head for some time.
~ Grey Arabian Finger Puppet ~
Creating my version of a horse finger puppet had been tossing around in my head for some time.
So...after the hussle and bussle of the Holidays passed, I decided it was time to cut and sew.
What appeared were these white and grey Arabians.
The grey's body was cut of heavy weight synthetic felt I had purchased many years ago.
The white's body was cut from beautiful wool felt.
Their eyes and nostrils I sewed in freehand, then stitched on their ears, and carefully sewed up the body with needle and thread, leaving a finger hole at the base of each.

I finished both by hand sewing in their mane and forelock of pure wool yarn, then untwisted and combed them out with a needle.
~ White and Grey Arabians ~
What a relaxing project these two were, and they now appear in my shop. I may need to try a few more in black, bay...
maybe even a Friesian or a Fjord horse?
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